Ponderings informing our directions in 2025
🤔 Learning from the Community Sector and reimagining engagement strategies One of our colleagues has a number of clients
🤔 Learning from the Community Sector and reimagining engagement strategies One of our colleagues has a number of clients
‘I wish I had the clairvoyant skills of budget people. They seem to know what will happen next year. I
The recent ‘Gunya to the Bunyas’ immersion retreat organised by Gunya Meta was the latest in a number of ko-labbing
“It’s a lot easier to achieve change if the system is pre disposed to change. All of evolution tends to
This is the first of a series “Policymakers and program managers are working blind. They would do a much better
The Cynefin Co, in partnership with the Cynefin Center Australia and Complexability, are delighted to announce Dave Snowden and Anna Pangiotou will be in Australia in August and